Tap4Health offers emotional freedom
EFT tapping is a safe, non-invasive and effective way of healing yourself and changing your life for the better.
Our approach
Tap4health offers you relief from issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, anger, panic, fears and phobias, trauma, addictive behaviours, eating issues, chronic pain and more.
Rod Sherwin is an experienced EFT Practitioner, Kinesiologist and Energy Therapist who will gently and compassionately help you clear emotions, thoughts and behaviours from the past. No coping strategies. No drugs. Rod works with you via video conference anywhere in the world.
Our services

EFT Tapping
The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) along with techniques from the field of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine are a safe and effective way of healing a wide range of emotional, mental and physical issues.

Solution Focused Coaching
Guiding you to find your unique approach to making change and achieving your goals

All sessions conveniently conducted online
All your sessions will be conducted via Zoom online video call. This means you don’t need to worry about traffic and parking or the hassle of leaving the house.
Client Success Stories
“Thank you very much for generously coming to my aid on Monday night at the NSAA function after I sprained my wrist trying to catch a pull-up banner that unexpectedly sprang out of my hand whilst I was setting it up. As the injury occurred right before a 2-hour photo shoot where I would be required to physically handle two heavy cameras with my injured hand your immediate and caring assistance with your tapping and healing skills literally saved the night...”
– Kon Iatrou, Professional Photographer, ikon Images, Hawthorn VIC
“…Rod had everyone tapping while he explained the principles of tapping and within a very short period of time had the group relaxing into the session. People attending said the session was most useful and a valuable tool to use personally or back at their Community Learning Centres and Neighbourhood Houses.
The following comment depicted what we were setting out to do when engaging Rod – I quote – “Even though a bit sceptical addressing the high stress levels within the sector with something practical is brilliant”…
- Kay Vrieze, Brainfood Conference Convenor, 2010
“Rod’s personable, warm yet professional demeanour really helped make my introduction to EFT a fantastic one. He took the time to answer all of my questions before our phone session thoroughly and patiently. I was quite nervous during the session itself, as it was new to me, but Rod led me through it respectfully and with a good dose of humour, which made all the difference. Thanks to the EFT skills I learned from Rod, my seasonal allergies have lessened dramatically, and I have been able to greatly decrease my overall stress levels. I absolutely recommend him.”
- Emma Alvarez Gibson, USA
“Prior to seeing Rod, my husband and I had been having difficulties with getting pregnant and having the pregnancy go full term. Trying again each time was heart-wrenching and I was at the stage of almost giving up. Working with Rod, I was able to heal the hurt and grief from earlier failures and also resolve the conflicts within my mind and body preventing me getting pregnant and carrying the baby to full term.
I’m happy to report that I now have a beautiful baby girl called Chelsea and am keen for more children! Rod, thanks so sharing your gifts and helping us become a family.”
– Di Spagnuolo, Melbourne, VIC
“THANK YOU 100 TIMES OVER!! It’s all looking very positive and incredibly exciting to be free of some of these deep-seeded issues, which I didn’t even understand myself until I started our sessions and the tapping. I can tell you I was a true sceptic after I walked away from our first session, but I am starting to be truly amazed by this therapy.
I really feel on my way to the best life and forming all the right habits – healthy eating in moderation, exercise to feel strong and energetic, and drinking lots of water! All this combined, just makes me think I can do anything and mentally I feel really balanced and have noticed I haven’t had one ‘flat day’ since I started.”
– Nicola O’Neil, South Yarra VIC
“Seeing EFT Guru Rod Sherwin in a long term weekly coaching environment has
allowed me to achieve the best balance I’ve had.
meant that no difficulty has spiralled down for any longer than a few days before Rod’s single-minded focus on helping make me and my life greater lifts me up.
meant I enjoy both work and play more and I already loved them both!
My business has increased in profitability by 25 percent.
Thank you Rod – may you continue to share and spread your wisdom with us all!”
– Dr. Jessica Wells, Fitzroy VIC
“Living and auditioning in New York which has such a high intensity, can take it’s toll on your energy levels. EFT has proved to be such a great tool in helping me deal with this problem and the stresses of the industry. Allowing me to feel more in control.”
– Adam-Jon Fiorentino, New York
“After being involved in the music industry for 56 years, I have now made a huge career change to doing what I have always wanted to do but had never given myself permission to do so out of old fears and conditioning. I have enrolled in a Masters Degree from which I will graduate at the age of 60. I would never have done this without Rod’s magic words and tapping. It’s a very exciting time in my life!!”
– Anita, NSW
“After 3 days of excruciating neck pain and barely being able to turn my head, I finally asked Rod for help. In about 10 minutes, I was pain free and could barely believe how easy it was to look over both shoulders. It was fantastic!”
– Diane Allwright, Callum VIC
“When I went to see Rod, I went with an open mind and an open heart. The experience of our tapping session will be with me for all my days. Anger and pain, I didn’t even know I was holding onto was hampering my life and relationships. Rod helped me to recognise and let got of it. I have never felt better. With Rod’s help, I could face my demons and banish them forever. Thank you so much. You saved my sanity!”
– Erin Davie (nee Browne), VIC
“I was able to use an EFT session with Rod to help me overcome some long-held fears. I was able to test the results immediately as I was heading to Sydney for training and, in the past, I have let so many opportunities to gain more knowledge pass by because of fear. In the session with Rod, we worked on many issues that related to people with more academic ability, public speaking, not wanting to waste their time and the result was fantastic. At the training in Sydney, I was able to ask many questions (couldn’t shut me up) and ended up volunteering out front for a session with amazing results. None of this would have happened if not for the session with Rod. Thank you so much for setting me up for the weekend that has changed my life in so many wonderful ways.”
– Pam Wright, Yinnarsth VIC
“…Anyway, despite all of my perceived barriers to success, Rod proceeded to knock my socks off with his insight, generosity, clarity, precision and humility as we tapped through a range of issues that had popped up. He was able to reframe my words with such an extraordinary level of understanding – I really felt like a child being heard for the first time. This is big considering I have quite a few people in my life who really do understand me and listen to me.
On top of that, I had at least three ‘aha’ moments. Perhaps the biggest of these was learning a completely different way to view myself (a huge relief after years of feeling like an ‘imposter’ in certain circles)…”
– Genevieve Ricci, Richmond VIC
"After 10 years of ‘successfully’ giving up drugs, my life was a shambles. Depression, destroyed relationships with my children and former partner, and I was bashing myself in the head in my darkest moments. I discovered NLP and thought that I had ‘fixed’ a lot of my problems and yet, still 2 years after the seminars, I was wondering ‘Why am I still depressed? Why am I still self-sabotaging?’
Then in one afternoon session with Rod, I experienced major shifts in at least a half dozen issues that still haunted me. To deal with these issues in such a gentle and fast manner is totally amazing. Thanks so much to Rod & EFT."
– Lemme Saunders, Brighton VIC
"In a loving space with no judgement, Rod and I handled various issues I was willing to confront. It was an adventure to explore a lot of the stale energies that were holding me back. My world is now a better place and my deepest gratitude goes to him."
– Wendy Sharman, Sydney NSW
“I was having a lot of trouble forgiving my husband when he left me for a younger blonde. I knew I had to forgive him so that I could get on with my life and not be bitter. Rod helped me with EFT in just one session. Now when I think of my husband he is just a soft glow instead of absolute rage. Rod has helped me move on and has enabled me to negotiate a settlement being rational instead of emotional. A much better outcome. Thank you Rod, I’m a new woman and now I am looking forward to my new found freedom with excitement instead of regret.”
– Jenny Mantova, Qld
“Tap4Health opened up my mind to the trauma I had experienced and allowed me to revisit the experiences in a safe way. In doing this my mind and life expanded into a more healthy less fearful recollection of past experiences. Now I can think without the intense recollection of pain. I am moving forward and my life has never been better.”
— Lyndia Vaselli
"Rod, I appreciated your relaxed manner, which enabled me to comfortably express my feelings. It was amazing that you could process so much “stuff” at one time! Having collapsed the negative energy draining my spirit, I left feeling more centred and balanced. Since the session, I have experienced a renewed enthusiasm and focus towards my goals. The benefits have been well worth the investment!!"
– Lisa McDonald, Hughesdale VIC