Fear of Public Speaking

“I was able to use an EFT session with Rod to help me overcome some long-held fears. I was able to test the results immediately as I was heading to Sydney for training and, in the past, I have let so many opportunities to gain more knowledge pass by because of fear. In the session with Rod, we worked on many issues that related to people with more academic ability, public speaking, not wanting to waste their time and the result was fantastic. At the training in Sydney, I was able to ask many questions (couldn’t shut me up) and ended up volunteering out front for a session with amazing results. None of this would have happened if not for the session with Rod. Thank you so much for setting me up for the weekend that has changed my life in so many wonderful ways.”

– Pam Wright, Yinnarsth VIC


Relationship Anger and Pain


Self Confidence and Feeling Like an Imposter